Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Another adventure to look forward to!

When my Mom comes to Japan for 2 weeks in July, we're actually going to head south for a 5-6 day trip to Saipan, which is near Guam. I've always wanted to go to Guam just to say I've been there (I mean who wouldn't with a crazy name like that? Who's been to Guam?), but Saipan looks more interesting & the flights there were cheaper. We're going to get some scuba diving in, should be class! Here's a map:

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ALTs wreaking havoc

At John's 70's Party last year in La Stanza in Iwaki, a group of semi-drunken ALTs entered the elevator at the end of the night & decided that jumping in the elevator would be fun. Little did they know that the elevator was equipped with a safety mechanism that stopped the elevator in case of any big movements (i.e. earthquakes). As a result, the group of ALTs were stuck in the elevator for 30+ minutes while an elevator man came to fix it. I know because I had to wait while Harry & Kristin were stuck in there with others. La Stanza now has a sign posted:

"Please do not jump inside the elevator"

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

Oh & in case it wasn't clear, that picture for the advert for Club Air in Tokyo was actually taken in Club Air one night when we were there.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

bad English understood at last!

I later learned that "solicitation of cult" (see March 6 posting) referred to a cult's pamphlet/magazine that was placed in all of our mailboxes. I didn't even realize! I'd flipped it open, saw it was all in Japanese, & promptly threw it out. I mean, come on, it didn't even have any cool 'culty' pictures!

Harry & I are in a Japanese magazine!

No, I'm not making this up. A Japanese friend of ours, Hiro, spotted us in an advert for a Tokyo club called Air (it's the club featured in Lost in Translation) in a Japanese men's fashion magazine. How cool is that? Thankfully Hiro let us know so we were able to get a copy apiece to save (with John's help, cheers John!). I took a picture of the page to post on the ol' blog. We're in the bottom righthand corner...

Thanks to our love of dancing, we're particularly sweaty & red-faced here (or ok maybe just I am!). I'm in mid-clap. This pic was taken in June 2005 & in case you're wondering the magazine is called Warp. Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 06, 2006

I'm constantly surrounded by crap English...

A note my landlady posted last week:
Your guess is as good as mine

(Now I know why my English has gotten so bad!)
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