Monday, July 24, 2006

Last Iwaki party pics

I went out for the last time in Iwaki Saturday night (*tear*) & luckily ran into loads of people I wanted to see so I could say goodbye... here are a few choice pics...

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Mmmm...crab-filled jello...
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Group shot
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My favorite local DJ: Takuteck!
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Kristin & I with Chappie
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Party organizer Hiro
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Nagisa & Yama
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Sunday, July 23, 2006

The long way home...

The Big Trip (not to be confused with the Big Dig) will commence on Tuesday, July 25. I've got roughly 42 hours until I leave, most of which will be spent trying to pack one large backpack & one small backpack for a 3 month trip (whilst mailing the rest of my stuff home in boxes) & cleaning my apt (arrrrgh).

Here's my itinerary:

July 25: Fly Tokyo --> Beijing with Kristin
July 30: Start our
Trans-Siberian trip with Intrepid Travel
Aug 3: Enter Mongolia
Aug 7: Enter Russia
Aug 14-16: Moscow
Aug 17-20: St. Petersburg / Intrepid trip finishes
Aug 21: Fly St. Petersburg --> Milan (see Elaine & Marco, yay)
Aug 30: Fly Milan --> Dublin (see Mark & Emma, sweet)
Sept 6: Fly Dublin --> Amsterdam with Mark
Sept 11: Fly Amsterdam --> Naples (see Harry, hell yeah!)
Oct 18: Fly London --> NYC (see Mamta & Neha, nice)
Oct 20: Fly NYC --> the ATL (whew, done)

After I get back to the States I'll be lookin' up all my Atlanta & Rhodes peeps (you know who you are) for some long-overdue catching up over beverages at various drinking establishments around the ATL and the SE. Can't wait!! (^o^)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Have you ever wondered what I'd look like as a geisha?

So, as my title suggests, during my last trip to Tokyo when my Mom was here we went to a place where you can dress up like a geisha/maiko/samurai & take pictures. These pics are definitely a little freaky as they look nothing like me! I look like a very strange geisha indeed... [my Mom played around with these pics in Photoshop which is why they have the watercolor & charcoal effects] Posted by Picasa

They didn't paint my hands white so it looks odd...
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Go Sam!

One of my classmates from Rhodes, Sam Thompson, is crazy. He's attempting to run 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days ( to raise awareness about the lingering disastrous effects of Hurricane Katrina. You're both insane and amazing, Sam. Good luck!

Monday, July 10, 2006

it hit me

There I was, sitting in a toddler-sized chair, surrounded by five 6 year old boys who were explaining to me all the different kinds of bugs & which ones they liked best (in Japanese), when it hit me: You mean I'm getting paid to do this?