Wednesday, July 20, 2005

This week's 'WTF?' moment, sponsored by Japan's uber-rich tobacco companies:

I guess I've never noticed it before, mostly because I just wouldn't expect something of the sort to be there in the first place, but after nearly 2 years of visits to the public gym near my apartment I saw a cigarette machine just inside the door today. That's right -- a cigarette machine. Just when I think Japan can't possibly surprise me anymore, that's exactly what it does.

Apparently dark chocolate is good for you. Score six for the home team! Especially considering I actually prefer dark chocolate... mmm... oops, there goes a splash of drool...

Go Pink for proposing! It's about time women take the initiative. Why wait for the guy to do everything? Al, are you reading this?


At 9:19 PM, Blogger Shawn said...

You'll always be my idiot, dear Grapey. (^o^)


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