"Yay, sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!"
Although I've been back 2 days, sleep has still eluded me despite my desperate need for it. Tonight's plan is to hit the sack as early as possible (I'm thinkin' 8pm - don't worry Lauren Moran, you're still the Queen of Early Bedtime!) so that tomorrow I shall (hopefully) awake refreshed and actually ready to get out of bed... it remains to be seen if all goes according to plan...
In the meantime I can watch one of the 13 ripoff DVDs Kristin & I bought in Vietnam for $1 each. Iwaki doesn't get many new movies in theater and it takes a longass time to get to video here (usually a year). Buying ripoffs can be chancy as they might very well be the crappiest of the crap in terms of quality... but if it's even halfway decent, it's soooo worth it.
Coming soonish: Fuji story & pics (actually nearly finished my post on this pre-Vietnam & Cambodia trip but my comp froze and I lost it all).
Coming not-so-soonish: Vietnam & Cambodia story & pics.
Don't hold your breath. I've got 500+ pics to wade through and organize, an online TEFL course to finish in the next month & school starting next Monday. Whee!
Heh !! A sharp dose of half-price sushi tomorrow will see you straight !!!
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