This always happens: I read an e-mail, think, "Ah that's nice, I'll write back"...but don't immediately...then the next day more emails come in & I go through the same thought & non-action process, forgetting about the previous days' emails, until a month or two later I decide to scroll back through my inbox, only to find all those ones I'd forgotten about & never responded to! Whoops. Memory like a goldfish, ne. Yeah, I'll blame it on that.
I did get to catch up a tad with my old buddy Phil Gennette on AIM...
Phil: how's Japan? fun place i take it?
Me: fun, strange, weird, annoying, lovable, peculiar, all of these things wrapped into one little chewable tablet
Ain't that the truth!
I'm considering changing the color scheme of my blog. Thoughts on that, anyone? Let the voting commence...
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