The Aeolian Islands
When I found out Marco & Elaine were having a week's holiday in the Aeolian Islands while Harry & I were in Palermo, I figured we had to meet up. We went to Milazzo & caught the fast ferry to Lipari on Saturday, July 7. Harry & I climbed Vulcano for some ridiculous views & took a dip in the stinky sulpher baths, meant to be good for your skin, on our own before meeting up with Elaine & Marco for dinner in Lipari. Sunday we took a boat tour around Lipari & Salina & spent the day lounging on the boat & snorkeling.
Here's a great article about the history of the Aeolian Islands, a group of 7 volcanic islands off the coast of NE Sicily. Because they're not heavily touristed yet (most of the tourists are Italians), these islands are *fantastic*.
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