Sunday, September 11, 2005

E-mail from my high school:

Dear Marist Alumni,

As the first response to needs arising out of the tragedy in the Gulf Coast states, Marist will be making available seats to students coming from Catholic schools in the affected areas. We have determined we can accommodate up to 10 additional students in each grade. We will offer these students space among us at no cost through the 2005-06 school year; those who desire may make contributions to the school.

We are advising that students in grades 7 and 8, unless they have siblings for the other grades, would be better placed in area Catholic and private schools that have openings in those grades; we are particularly tight in those grades. We will, though, make every attempt to keep children from a family together, including incorporating a sibling who may not be coming from Catholic school or taking in 7th and 8th graders if they have older siblings enrolling.

I am sure that we are all struggling to comprehend the degree of disruption and devastation Katrina has caused. One constant for families is education, and those who have so far approached us are interested in having their children enrolled in Marist because it is similar to schools that their children were already attending. Our faculty and staff have said, in effect, "Let us open our doors, and we will manage." I am grateful that we can operate out of a Marist spirit of sharing and service.

Thanks for assistance in all forms to the many who are suffering the effects of the hurricane.

Fr. Joel Konzen, SM
Marist School


I thought that was very cool of them. It even inspired me to make a small donation (no small feat!). (^o^)


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