An unexpected shower...
I went for a run after work & dark clouds rolled in rather quickly, accompanied by freakish lighting flashes & loud thunder. Annoyed at the thought of cutting my run short since I'd done all that motivating to get myself out there in the first place, I kept on, hoping I would finish before the rain started. 30 minutes into my run I got hit with it. Luckily I only had 10 minutes remaining so I didn't develop any blisters. The best part was, I felt like I'd showered (well, sort of)!
Today's elementary school visit was going rather shittily until lunchtime hit. My 4th graders put on "Dragostea din tei" by Ozone (you've probably seen that wicked video online of that big guy lip synching & dancing via his web cam to it: "Ma-I-A HE, Ma-I-A HU, Ma-I-A Ho, Ma-I-A Ha-ha" the link to have a listen), broke into song (all 25 of them), & danced around like idiots. Some of them looked like they had some choreographed moves down! That totally redeemed the day.
Shawn, I am so super slow, I was reading "Ma-I-A HE, Ma-I-A HU, Ma-I-A Ho, Ma-I-A Ha-ha"... the Japanese way...I thought it was some Japanese kids show or something...brilliant...I thought so too that's why I had to share.
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