Sunday, October 23, 2005

Friday was a beautiful, gorgeously warm day! It's amazing the effect weather has on my mood. I love the sun. Saturday was a bit drizzly & overcast but warm. Today is overcast & chilly. Winter's a' comin'...argh. At least I'll be sitting in the hot sun on a beach in a little less than 2 months. Can't wait!

Last night there was another earthquake! Magnitude 5.5 this time with the epicenter just off the coast of Iwaki. It wasn't so bad until 1 particularly powerful jolt sent Harry's wine glasses crashing to the floor to splinter into lots of little of which cut my poor lil' toe later in the night. Poor wine glasses! They were his & her wine glasses, one with a pink stem, one blue. Geeky, yes, & neither Harry nor I actually bought them (thank goodness I can claim that). They were inherited from Dan, an ex-Peppy Kids English teacher. They were such good lil' wine glasses... They didn't deserve such an end!

Tonight some of us are going to a Para Para event in club Freeze. I don't really know much about these kind of events except its fans are the Japanese who have those deep dark tans & light hair & crazy colored makeup & wear flashing jewelry. At least, I think. Guess I'll find out tonight! That's really the main reason why I'm going.


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