Wednesday, October 26, 2005


In the past 2 days the temperature has dropped considerably... which in Japan means that everyone immediately gets sick. Man I hate winter in Japan. At least 3 teachers at my school informed me that he or she had a cold & that many students did too. This was backed by a roomful of constant sniffling. Ugh. 'So why in the hell are you sickies even here?' I want to ask them. 'So you can infect more kids & teachers?' What's wrong with this picture? Honestly. The Japanese come to work even when they're sick as dogs, something I find inconsiderate (as they're only spreading it) & ridiculous (since they're obviously not going to get better by "pushing through it"). *Sigh* Chalk it up to one of those things about Japan I just don't get...

Oh, & while we're on that topic, what's with Japanese men & blatant, shameless public urination?


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