Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Japanese men & public urination

Remember when I posted about how Japanese men blatantly & shamelessly urinate in public? Case in point: Last Sunday I went for a run around 2pm (i.e. in BROAD DAYLIGHT) along the walkway by the river only to see, in the distance, 3 Japanese men out for a stroll. *Doubletake* 1 of them was pissing, right there, for the world to see, while the other 2 chatted while waiting for him. I was still a little ways off from them...but even as I approached the pissing man seemed unconcerned, even watched my approach, as did his friends. I avoided their gazes, pretending to not notice & be visibly engrossed in my music from my i-Pod (which I was but also not). Even as I passed them (sadly, the narrow path didn't leave me any room for giving them a wide berth) they stared, smiling what I perceived as amused, semi-twisted grins. It's almost as if they were proud of it. Sick.

Now that I think about it, I should've called them out on it or made a big deal. Then it would've made them uncomfortable.


At 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it seems like whenever I go to Japan, I see at least once intance of public urination. Quite frankly it's disgusting and it pisses me off (haha).

If I ever were in your situation I'd be tempted to push the guy in the back. If he has both hands occupied and given the right amount of force, he probably won't be able to prevent himself from falling over...probably not advisable if you live in the area and have blond hair though. Now me on the other hand, I look Japanese enough (some Japanese people have mistaken me for being Korean...wtf, right?) and can probably get away with it because I don't live there.

But I'd definitely make a bid deal out of it next time and see how they react - the psychologist in me can't help but wonder... :)

At 6:08 AM, Blogger Charles Andrew McCarthy said...

Or next time just pop a squat and show the dude up!


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